New contributor guide

New contributor guide#

To get an overview of the project, read the README and the documentation. You should also have used Annolid at least once and ideally be a regular user.

  1. Check that the issue has not been reported already. If you encounter an issue with Annolid or have a suggestion, start by making sure there is not already an opened ticket on the same problem, or an older closed ticket for it.

  2. Open an issue. If you encounter a problem or have a suggestion, and have checked that it was not previously reported, please open an issue. Also check to see what types of contributions we accept before making changes. Some of them don’t even require writing a single line of code. In all cases though starting out with opening an issue will allow for discussion with the developers and avoid you spending unecessary time on something that is not going to be implemented.

  3. Contributing to opened issue. Wether you opened an issue or want to scan through our existing issues to find one that interests you, please let us know. We will assign you to the issue to know who is working on it. Fork the repository and open a new branch to work on your issue. Then open a PR for that specific issue and submit it to review from you forked repository. Enable the checkbox to allow maintainer edits so the branch can be updated for a merge. Once you submit your PR, we will review your changes as quickly as we can. We may ask questions or request for additional informations. We may ask for changes to be made before a PR can be merged, either using suggested changes or pull request comments. As you update your PR and apply changes, mark each conversation as resolved.